Inflamed Liver Treatment
Hepatitis translates to mean “inflammation of the liver.” The inflammation ranges from acute, characterized by short-term inflammation, to chronic, lasting for 6 months or longer.
Causes of Liver Inflammation
Causes of liver inflammation include viral hepatitis (such as hepatitis B or C); autoimmune conditions in which your immune system attack your liver cells and by drug abuse, alcoholism and exposure to chemical or environmental toxins.
Treatment Information
Treatments for liver inflammation vary in accordance with the cause of the condition. For example, it alcoholism causes the condition, stopping all alcohol consumption may reverse the condition. If liver inflammation is caused by hepatitis C, a serious viral infection, patients may require anti-viral medication.
Treatment Side Effects
Treatment side effects could include alcohol or drug withdrawal (in cases where drug or alcohol use causes the condition) to medication reactions from antiviral medications (such as Entecavir, used to treat hepatitis B) such as dizziness, insomnia, vomiting and allergic reaction.
Importance of Seeking Treatment
If left untreated, liver inflammation can progressively damage the liver. Inflammation causes cell death which, in turn, causes the growth of scar tissue. Over time, the scar tissue will begin to replace healthy tissue and disrupt liver function.