Pepperspray Treatment
Time Frame
The effects of pepper spray will wear off after 30 to 45 minutes. However, those minutes will be quite painful, and there are ways to cut down the pain while you wait for the symptoms to go away.
Constantly pouring cold water over the eyes is a good way to cut down inflammation and flush the pepper spray out of the eyes at a more rapid rate.
If you are wearing contact lens when you come into contact with pepper spray, it is important to quickly remove them. If the lens are soft, they must be thrown away. Hard lens can be cleaned.
Another key way to speed up recovery time from pepper spray is to wash all the oily resin from around your eyes. But do not rub it off with your hands, as it will just spread the oil. Instead, make a solution of water and soap and let it sit on the face for a few minutes at a time.
It is important not to panic and touch the affected areas. Rubbing the area will force the oil deeper into your skin.