What Is Ipsilateral Thigh Pain?
The term "ipsilateral" means "same side"; therefore, if you are experiencing pain on one side of the body, this is generally referred to as ipsilateral pain.
Pain in the Back of the Thigh
If you are experiencing pain in the back of one thigh, this may be caused by a pulled hamstring, hamstring tendinitis or sciatica, which refers to pain that runs down the back of the leg.
Front of the Thigh
If the ipsilateral pain is experienced in the front of the thigh, it may be caused by a pulled quadriceps (thigh) muscle, inflammation of the hip flexor muscle or a groin strain.
Hamstring and groin injuries are caused by the fibers of the muscle tearing, usually related to a sports injury or jarring movement. Pulled quadriceps muscles are often caused by hyper-extension of the thigh, or overstretching of that muscle group. Inflammation of the hip may be caused by overuse, over-extension or bursitis.
Stretching your muscles prior to engaging in sports can help prevent the strains and tears that often lead to ipsilateral thigh pain.