Energy Drinks & Restless Leg Syndrome
Energy drinks that contain caffeine or similar stimulant-based drinks can either bring the onset of an episode or exacerbate the movements of the sufferer.
The caffeine content of energy drinks varies from 80 to 500 mg per can. The average person should consume no more than 300 mg of caffeine per day.
According to Columbia University Health Services, people can become addicted to the stimulants found in energy drinks. Withdrawal from caffeine causes symptoms such as headaches and fatigue. Once dependent on caffeine, a person suffering from restless leg syndrome would have to make the choice between drinking the energy drink and suffering a potential attack, or possibly enduring withdrawal symptoms from caffeine in the energy drink.
In addition to the annoyances caused by constant leg shaking, this condition can prevent a person from falling asleep, or make them wake up several times during the night. Energy drinks and other stimulants will likely only make shaking worse and cause more sleep deprivation.
The Restless Leg Syndrome Foundation strongly suggests that people who suffer from the syndrome stay away from energy drinks. In addition, some drugs on the market, such as Mirapex, can greatly reduce symptoms.