Causes of Renal Failure & Anemia
Blood Loss
Extreme blood loss can result in a condition known as hypovolemia, which can lead to renal failure. Likewise, your body can become anemic through blood loss due to the loss of iron, which is in the blood, and which the body depends on to make red blood cells.
A long term, untreated infection can overwhelm your body's immune system, which can inflame the kidneys, resulting in renal failure. This same problem can cause anemia, however, the exact reason for this is unknown.
Anemia and Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a common cause of anemia because of water weight gain, which dilutes your blood.
Medication and Renal Failure
Medications, such as pain relievers and antibiotics are toxic to the kidneys in large doses, examples include ibuprofen and gentamicin. Always follow the directions when taking such medications to avoid renal failure.
Anemia and Renal Failure
The kidneys release a hormone called erythropoietin that helps the bone marrow make red blood cells. This hormone becomes diminished when you have kidney disease, which also diminishes the iron in your body needed to create red blood cells, which leads to anemia.