How to Get Rid of Lactic Acidosis
Things You'll Need
- Blood tests
- Medications
See your doctor if you have diabetes or another serious medical condition and are experiencing nausea and weakness. If you are otherwise healthy and have those symptoms, see your doctor. He will order blood tests.
Do as your doctor advises if the blood tests confirm lactic acidosis. Depending on the cause, he will determine the treatment for your needs. Treatment may include discontinuing medications such as Metformin or dealing with any underlying medical condition such as cancer.
Cut back on your exercise if your doctor thinks this may be causing the lactic acidosis. Take the different medication your doctor prescribes if Metformin is causing your electrolytes to rise, resulting in lactic acidosis. If another medical condition is causing the problem, follow your doctor's advice. Correcting the illness should alleviate the lactic acidosis.