How to Conquer Candida and Other Fungal Infections
See a physician for lab tests and possibly a tissue culture to obtain a definitive diagnosis of candidiasis. A doctor might prescribe topical remedies, such as lotions or creams, or oral antifungal medications, such as Diflucan or Nystatin.
Switch to a low-carbohydrate diet, eliminating as much yeast, white flour, sugar, starchy foods, dairy products including cheese, fruit and fruit juice as possible. Eat more vegetables, particularly organic greens. Raw vegetables are best, when possible. Chew food slowly and thoroughly. Raw food encourages healthy digestion, as does well-chewed food. A healthy digestive tract makes it more difficult for Candida to thrive.
Take daily doses of probiotics--acidophilus or bifidus supplements--that contain 50 billion colony-forming units, to encourage growth of "friendly" bacteria in the body. In addition to aiding digestion and support a healthy immune system, these bacteria help crowd out and limit the growth of Candida in the body.
Add more fiber to your diet by eating plenty of fresh vegetables. Soluble fiber, found primarily in certain vegetables and fruits, as well as psyllium seed husks, contains substances called "prebiotics," which provide energy for the "friendly" bacteria that live in our intestines. Fiber also encourages healthy elimination, removing toxins released by Candida.
Supplement with known yeast fighters, such as caprylic acid, garlic extract, grapefruit seed extract or oregano oil. Follow dosage instructions on the product or consult your health-care provider. Purchase only enteric-coated supplements that allow these highly potent substances to pass safely through the stomach, releasing the contents in the small intestine.
Take daily, high-quality, green-food-based multivitamin and mixed mineral supplements to ensure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs to heal.