How to Kill Candida Yeast Spores
Talk to your doctor about available treatments. They include topical treatments, oral medications and vaginal suppositories. He can determine if over-the-counter treatments are sufficient or if you need prescription-strength ones. Treatment times vary and can be anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks; take medications exactly as prescribed.
Eat unsweetened yogurt or take probiotic supplements as directed on the label. This will not treat the fungus directly but will help restore the normal balance of friendly bacteria that keep candida from overgrowing.
Restrict your intake of sugary foods like cookies and candies as well as dairy, yeast (cheese, peanuts, certain types of breads and alcohol), and refined white-flour foods. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, research suggests these foods might contribute to candida growth.
Use natural treatments with antifungal properties. The University of Maryland Medical Center lists the following on their website: caprylic acid, propolis, pau d’ arco tea, garlic supplement or one clove daily, echinacea juice for vaginal infections, tea tree mouthwash for oral thrush and pomegranate gel for oral thrush. Consult with a practitioner experienced in natural medicine for appropriate dosages.