What Does Prostatitis Feel Like?
Common Symptoms
Prostatitis often includes pain in the genitals and pelvic area, urination problems and difficulties with ejaculation, according to the Mayo Clinic. Urination can become painful, more frequent and hesitant.
Acute Bacterial Prostatitis
Individuals with acute bacterial prostatitis may experience nausea, vomiting or high fever because of a sudden infection.
Chronic Prostatitis
Men with chronic prostatitis can develop recurring urinary tract infections that alternate with periods of little or no symptoms of prostatitis.
Asymptomatic Inflammatory Prostatitis
Prostatitis can occur with no symptoms or signs and might only be discovered through an examination for another medical condition.
A doctor may perform a digital exam in which he inserts his gloved finger into a patient’s rectum and feels the surface of the prostate to identify inflammation or enlargement. Urine and semen testing can be used to find bacteria and other cells that are present in prostatitis cases.