Stress Related Chest Pain
Stress and the Heart
Chest pain could indicate heart trouble. Stress can affect blood pressure, hypertension. Consult a cardiologist to receive a proper diagnosis.
Heart Disease
Stress management can reduce heart disease symptoms in both men and women. Men experience chest pain with a heart attack. Heart attack symptoms in women include nausea, jaw pain, abdominal pain, and shortness of breath.
Fluid Retention
Dr. Howard Wayne, a cardiologist says "Fluid retention as a result of stress also may cause chest pain. A victim of stress induced fluid retention may put on as much as 5 to 10 lbs. in 24 hours." He writes about other conditions that cause chest pain at the Noninvasive Heart Center.
Stress Hormones
Chest pain from stress is a symptom of chronic adrenal stress. Adrenal glands release epinephrine, dopamine, norepinephrine, and cortisol hormones. Long term stress response from hormone overproduction creates circulatory problems for the heart, lungs and depresses your immune function.
Chronic stress compromises the immune system. Problems in the lungs like pneumonia and pleurisy are indications of chronic stress resulting in chest pains.