Reasons to Have a TB Test
Exposure to TB
If you have been exposed to someone who has, or may have, active tuberculosis, you should be tested for the disease. This is especially true if you frequently spend time with the person. A person with active TB is most likely to spread the disease to close contacts, according to the CDC.
Weakened Immune System
Talk to your doctor if you have HIV, cancer, diabetes, severe kidney disease, very low body weight or other conditions that weaken your immune system. You may need to be tested because a weak immune system increases your chance of developing active TB disease if you become infected. Children and elderly people who may have been exposed to TB should also be tested.
Symptoms of TB
If you have symptoms of active tuberculosis, such as a bad cough that lasts three weeks or more, chest pain, coughing up blood or phlegm, weakness and fatigue, weight loss, lack of appetite, chills, fever and night sweats, you should be tested so you can begin treatment as soon as possible.
Country of Origin
More than half of all people with tuberculosis in the United States were born in another country, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you are from an area with high rates of active TB, such as Latin American countries, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe, you should talk to your doctor about TB testing, according to the CDC.
Living or Working Conditions
Living in a homeless shelter, prison, jail, migrant farm camp or health care facility puts you at higher risk of contracting TB. People who work in these environments are also at an increased risk of infection. These groups should be tested for the disease, according to the CDC.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Drug and alcohol abusers may have weakened immune systems and a greater risk of developing tuberculosis. They should be tested for the disease, according to the CDC.