How to Stop Snoring With Mouth Aides

Mouth aids to stop snoring come in a variety of devices. These aids may be purchased from your local drugstore or medical supply store. Snoring occurs because the tongue and teeth are not relaxing properly, resulting in obstruction of air. Mouth aids help to position the teeth and tongue so air can flow freely in and out of the mouth.

Things You'll Need

  • Mouth guard device
  • Mouthpiece
  • Custom-fitted mouthpiece
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      Place a mouth guard device into your mouth before lying down to sleep. A mouth guard is made of hypoallergenic plastic and positions the lower jaw forward. This allows the tongue to move forward, and better air flow is achieved toward the back of the throat.

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      Position a mouthpiece inside your mouth. The mouthpiece conforms to your jaw and relaxes the jaw and tongue. By relaxing the tongue, it eliminates the vibrations occurring in the back of the throat that result in snoring.

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      Talk to your doctor about custom-fitted mouthpieces for snoring. The company sends you a kit to take an impression of your teeth. Send the impression back and the company custom designs a mouthpiece for you. The mouthpiece tightens loose tissue in the back of the mouth and throat, stopping snoring.

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