Treatment for Chronic Hemorrhoids
Topical Ointments
Topical ointments, creams and suppositories are available over the counter that help to shrink and heal the swollen tissues. According to the Mayo Clinic, you should not use these products for more than one week without the advice of your doctor.
Bathing in warm water can help alleviate your symptoms, or you can use a sitz bath (a basin that fits over your toilet) with warm water. The Mayo Clinic indicates that application of cold compresses or ice packs can reduce swelling.
Toilet Tissue
The Mayo Clinic suggests that instead of using dry toilet paper, you should use moist wipes or wet your toilet paper. This keeps your anal area clean and does not irritate tender skin.
Oral Medications
You can take acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) or aspirin for pain relief if necessary.
You can prevent hemorrhoid flare-ups by keeping your stools soft. According to the Mayo Clinic, high-fiber foods, plenty of water and other fluids and fiber supplements can help. In addition, you should try not to strain when having a bowel movement, get adequate exercise and avoid sitting or standing for long periods.
You should consult your doctor if you continue to have problems with hemorrhoids. You may need surgical treatment to remove your hemorrhoids.