How to Get Financial Assistance for Hearing AIDS
Things You'll Need
- Letter from Doctor
Getting Financial Assistance for a Hearing Aid
Make a list of potential sources for financial assistance with hearing aids. Consider a hearing aid bank that provides refurbished or used hearing aids, such as the Lions Club and the Sertoma Club. Some funds, such as the Cochlear Implant Assistance Fund provide free or reduced-cost cochlear implants. Manufacturers, such as the Starkey Hearing Foundation and the Miracle-Ear Children’s Foundation, or private foundations, such as the Gift of Hearing foundation and Let Them Hear, also provide their own assistance programs. Narrow down the potential opportunities to receive financial assistance for hearing aids.
Contact different organizations or review their information online to see how to apply for financial assistance. Each possible organization will have benefits and drawbacks, so you can carefully consider who might help you.
Ask your physician to provide a letter stating that you are in need of a hearing aid or implant. A physician might be able to connect you with local resources to receive financial assistance. Discuss what style hearing aid would best suit you and try to get sized so that you can provide a projected cost to the potential funder.
Prepare your application for financial assistance to explain your need, your financial situation, and any other pertinent information in regards to your request. Write about the difficulties that you are experiencing with your hearing loss. Discuss how financial assistance for a hearing aid will help you.
Submit your request for financial assistance for hearing technology and follow up with the organization or foundation within a few weeks, unless they give another time frame for their review process.