Oriental Cure for Prostate Enlargement
The prostate gland is below the bladder in men and grows continuously in spurts. It becomes troublesome for most men at older ages. Prostate enlargement is natural with age progression. But it causes health problems related to the kidneys, urinary tract and bladder. Various treatments are available for men with painful prostate enlargement. Natural remedies are useful for this condition. Cures from the oriental region have been effective.-
Oriental Cures
The Chinese treatment focuses on balancing the good and bad energies. The yin (fire/ spleen) and qi (air/ lung) deficiencies are treated with appropriate herbs.
Herbs used to treat prostate enlargement are rehmannia, alisma, hoelen and dioscorea. The main function of these herbs is to assist digestion. They aid better in the functioning of kidneys.
Chinese Formulas
A concoction made from these ingredients aids in prostate enlargement relief: Manshurian aristolochia stem, plantago seed, rhubarb, knotgrass, diathus, phellodendron bark, lonicera flower, gardenia fruit, fresh rehmannia root, Yedo violet and licorice root. About 250 ml of soup from this mixture taken daily helps ease prostate problems.
The saw palmetto herb acts on the enlarged prostate gland to reduce its size. These herbs relieve many painful symptoms caused by enlarged prostate: Rabdosia rubescens, Oldenlandia herb, Isatis leaf, Scutellaria root, Peony tree bark, Paris rhizome, Licorice root, Ox Knee root, Zedoary rhizome, Lindera root, Saw Palmetto berry, Amber and Ganoderma lucidum.
Zinc deficiency causes prostate enlargement. Intake of zinc increases immunity. Men should take the recommended 15 mg zinc dosage daily. Natural foods such as meat and dairy products are ideal. Supplements should be taken if needed.
Contracting and releasing muscles around the scrotum and anus is a form of exercise called Kegels. Men with an enlarged prostate should not be at a stagnant posture for long periods of time. Movement and Kegel exercises help increase blood circulation.
Tomatoes have lycopene and act as antioxidants. This decreases cancer risks. This natural food should be consumed daily.
Men with enlarged prostates should utilize herbs for cure. If the prostate keeps increasing in size, and becomes more painful, a medical treatment should be obtained. Sometimes surgery is required to relieve complications by enlarged prostate.
Many men feel uncomfortable in disclosing prostate problems. Health should never be compromised upon for any reason. Relief and cure should be sought in time. Any abnormal function or growth in the body grows cancerous when left unchecked. Prostate cancer can be avoided by following remedial steps and consulting the doctor in time.