How to Diagnose Left Leg Edema
Check to see if your skin feels tight. For example, is your skin stretched, or has your leg increased in size?
Look for signs of swelling. Also look to see if your skin appears shiny or glossy.
See a physician if your leg develops any of the above mentioned signs. Tell your physician when the signs of edema began, if you also have a family history of edema, or if you're pregnant.
Have your physician conduct a pit test. According to Mount Sinai, your physician will press upon the affected area to check for signs of depressions upon your skin. If you apply pressure to your skin, the fluid within your tissues will disperse elsewhere, which will create a pit in the center of your flesh.
Allow your physician to conduct further exams to determine the cause of your edema. You will need to give samples of your blood and a urine sample.