What Is the Solution for Jaundice?
Frequent Feedings
According to the Mayo Clinic, an increased frequency of feedings can cause an infant to have more bowel movements and stimulate the removal of bilirubin from the body.
Supplemental Feedings
Babies that are having trouble with breastfeeding may have a faster resolution of jaundice if breastfeeding is supplemented with infant formula or expressed milk.
Light Therapy
Infants may be exposed to special bluish-green light that changes bilirubin in the baby's blood and makes the bilirubin easier to excrete.
Some cases of newborn jaundice may be caused by differences in blood type between the mother and the baby, and these cases may require an intravenous transfusion of a blood protein called immunoglobulin.
Blood Transfusion
A blood transfusion may be required in cases where jaundice has not been corrected with other treatments. Small amounts of blood are removed from the infant, bilirubin and maternal antibodies are filtered out of the blood, and the blood is transferred back to the infant.