Household Treatment for Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids involve the veins that line the anus and rectum. Sudden pressure on the walls of the rectum causes these veins to enlarge and bulge out of the skin; these bulging veins are hemorrhoids.
Purpose of Household Treatment
Because most hemorrhoids heal on their own within two weeks, household treatment simply involves alleviating the symptoms. This allows hemorrhoids the time to heal properly.
Pain Relief
People can manage the pain associated with hemorrhoids by sitting in a bath of just-warm water several times day for at least 10 minutes per session. It may also help to apply ice packs, petroleum jelly, cortisone cream or hemorrhoidal cream to the area to reduce swelling and pain. Acetaminophen or aspirin taken orally may also help with pain.
It is important to keep the area clean when hemorrhoids are present. The area should be gently patted with moist toilet tissue after use of the rest room. Cotton underwear and loose clothing should be worn to avoid buildup of sweat on the hemorrhoids.
Measures to keep hemorrhoids from reoccurring include eating sufficient fiber (25-30 grams a day) and drinking at least eight glasses of water per day; exercising daily; maintaining a healthy weight; practicing good general hygiene; and avoiding straining or tensing up while defecating.