Physical Therapy Suggestions for Knee Surgery Meniscus Tears
Physical Therapy
When you meet with a physical therapist to develop a plan for your torn meniscus, the goal should be to improve the knee's endurance and restore its original range of motion. Your therapist will likely design two parts to the program: exercises you will do while at your sessions and exercises for you to do at home or at a gym on your own. The physical therapist will design your program based on your age, overall health and severity of your injury. If your tear was severe enough to warrant surgery, your surgeon may recommend immobilizing the knee for the first few days following the procedure.
Leg Raises
Most exercises will focus on strengthening the muscles of the quadriceps, thigh, calves and hips. One simple exercise is leg raises. Lie on the floor flat on your back and extend your leg so your bad knee is not bent. Next, bend your "good" knee so your foot is on the floor. Make sure your back has a slight, normal curve before continuing. Press your bad knee down to the floor so your muscles become taut. Slowly lift your leg so it is about 12 inches off the floor, hold it for 10 seconds and then slowly bring it back down. Build up the number of repetitions as your strength improves.
Hamstring Curls
Another effective exercise is hamstring curls. Lie on your stomach with your legs straight. If it hurts your knee to be on the floor, roll up a towel and put it underneath the injured knee. Slowly lift your injured leg toward your buttock. If it hurts, try not to bend the knee too much. If you feel pain, cease the exercise and tell the physical therapist during your next appointment. To get the same benefit without fully extending your knee, add 5 lbs. of weight to your leg. Then you only have to lift your leg 12 inches maximum to get the same effect.