The Effect of Excess Iron on the Heart

Some people have excess iron in the body. This can be caused by a vitamin overdose or because of hemochromatosis, a disorder that alters the body's ability to break down iron in the body. Excess iron can have an effect on the heart.
  1. Symptoms

    • When excess iron builds up in your body, it can cause a host of symptoms. These include arthritis, joint pain, fatigue, impotence or loss of libido, pain in the abdomen, high blood sugar, low thyroid function and liver problems. In addition, excess iron on the heart can lead to atherosclerosis, heart failure, arrhythmia's and other cardiovascular issues.


    • Iron has an essential role in the health of the body and its functions such as blood formation. Iron in the body is used or reduced based on the body's need. When your body cannot use or reduce iron levels, it can be stored in tissues and organs, such as your heart, liver or pancreas. In hemochromatosis, the body absorbs excessive amounts of iron, causing it to build up in the organs, which ultimately damages them. Without proper treatment, multiple organs, including the heart may fail.


    • When excess iron interferes with the body's ability to circulate blood in amounts that meet your body's needs, the heart may be affected. Congestive heart failure and arrhytmhias may be fatal, unless the excess iron levels are treated and reduced. Excess iron can contribute to artherosclerosis, which is when the walls of the artery thicken and cause build-up of fatty substances, such as cholesterol. This build-up in the arteries can increase blood pressure and reduce the flow of blood, increasing the risk of cardiovascular problems.


    • Treatment for hemochromatosis involves removing blood as one would when donating to a blood blank. A pint of blood is normally taken a couple of times a week. After a year of treatment, a pint of blood is taken every few months.


    • If you have an excess of iron in your body, it is important to speak with your physician before taking any vitamin supplements that contain iron. Consuming iron supplements can further contribute to iron building up in the heart and other organs.

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