Blackhead Diet
According to Medical News Today, a blackhead is nothing more than a pore which becomes clogged due to the body's overproduction of oil. This can occur as a natural byproduct of puberty or where the skin has not been sufficiently cleaned. Although acne, and specifically blackheads, can be treated with prescription products and other over-the-counter skin health items, regulation of diet might help to play some role in reducing the prevalence of these unwanted blemishes.-
Blackhead Diet
Follow a diet that is low in refined carbohydrates and other types of processed foods while being rich in organic items and other natural food sources like fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans and lean meats to reduce the severity and frequency of blackhead infections, according to Acne Advice. Foods to avoid include sugary foods like soft drinks, desserts, white flour items, alcohol, fried foods and highly processed or greasy foods. Additionally, get in the habit of drinking at least two liters of water per day, which will help flush out your system, keeping your body functioning optimally and thus making it less likely to overproduce oils triggering blackheads. Aim to consume both a different-colored fruit and vegetable with each meal to provide your body with a wide range of necessary vitamins and minerals, helping it to naturally regulate your skin's appearance. Stick to this approach for a period of at least one month consistently before expecting results, as it will take time for your body to get on board with your new regime.
Consider supplementation with vitamins to assist your body in avoiding blackheads. Either begin taking a daily multivitamin or purchase individual vitamin supplements for the following items: vitamin A, B-complex, C, D, E and K. Take these items according to the label recommendations every day to insure that you are receiving an adequate amount of these needed vitamins. According to information from Acne, these are the vitamins with which to concern yourself when looking to reduce blackheads (or acne in general), so stock up and do not fail to miss a day's dose when dieting to eliminate blackheads.