How to Battle Depression With Diet & Exercise
Follow a Mediterranean-style diet, consuming plenty of seafood, nuts, whole grains, fruits and vegetables to stave off depression through dietary means. According to an October 2009 article from Science Daily, use of a Mediterranean diet is associated with a decreased risk of depression. Eat a balanced diet at every meal, always aiming to consume at least one fruit, one vegetable, a protein source (eating seafood at least once a day or every other day), and a source of monounsaturated fat (e.g. nuts or olive oil).
Engage in regular moderate-intensity exercise at least four or five days per week. You need not engage in structured training programs; it is enough that you choose an activity that can help to increase your heartrate and breathing. Sample activities include walking, gardening, biking, performing household chores and the like. According to the Mayo Clinic, any activity that helps to get you off the couch can help with depression, so aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day.
Remain consistent with your diet and exercise plans. If you fall off the proverbial wagon with a cheat meal or a missed workout, do not get upset over it and allow it to spiral into abandonment of the plan. Instead, simply resume your diet with your next meal or your workout on the next day. Likewise, do not abandon your newfound habits when you feel your depressive symptoms begin to fade. Stick with a regular diet and exercise plan to continue reaping the rewards long after you find yourself free from depression.