How to Lower Blood Pressure in a Stressful Situation
When faced with a stressful situation, your heart begins to pump more blood through your body. At the same time, your blood vessels begin to contract. These two physical symptoms of anxiety lead to a temporarily raised blood pressure. This is part of the fight or flight reflex, an instinct that kept humans safe from predators thousands of year ago. These reactions are perfectly normal. However, if these symptoms are experienced often enough, they can have the same negative effects on the heart and blood vessels as chronic high blood pressure.Instructions
One of the best and most convenient ways to lower blood pressure is to release stressful feelings through deep breathing exercises. Take a slow, deep breath, hold for a few seconds, and then slowly release the air. Doing this 10 times will help you to focus and relax. While deep breathing, concentrate on something pleasant or calming. This is the easiest way to relax, and it can be done in a meeting or any other environment where you are not able to practice some of the other relaxation techniques.
Practice positive visualization. When you are anticipating a stressful situation, take time to imagine everything going as well as possible. Prepare in advance for success. This will help you feel more confident when you are facing the situation, thus reducing stress.
Use imagery. If you feel yourself getting stressed out, take a break. Imagine yourself in a non-stressful environment, such as on a beach or standing at the top of a mountain, and feeling relaxed while you are there. These miniature vacations, while only lasting a few minutes, can help you to remain centered and calm in a stressful situation. It may take some practice to use this technique.
Get some exercise. Go out for a quick walk or jog around the block if you can. Even just do some stretching in your office. Not only does exercise give you a moment by yourself, away from the stressful situation, but it also releases endorphins, a chemical that creates a pleasant, relaxed feeling.
Change your outlook. Instead of becoming stressed out or upset over a situation, stop to think everything through. Is there a way to change the situation or to solve the problem? If so, begin focusing on solutions. If not, learn to let go. Being stuck in rush hour traffic, for example, is only stressful if you allow it to be stressful. Instead of tensing up, turn up the radio and sing along or take the opportunity to listen to an audio book.