How to Help Foot Pain and Foot Arch Pain
First if you have to wear high heals wear the lowest heal you can find. You can take an extra pair of flat healed shoes and wear them to and from work or when you go out to lunch. You should wear rounded toe shoes when possible,pointed toe shoes should be avoided. If you are having trouble with your arches try buying shoes that are large enough to add arch supports. If you have to stand for long periods of time ,make sure to take some breaks and if possible raise your feet up on a chair. This will move the blood away from your feet and reduce swelling.
When you can give your feet a soak. Put two table spoons of Epson salts into a pan of warm water. Let them soak for 15 minutes and then dry with a soft towel and apply some therapeutic lotion or power. You can also run cold and hot water on them this will get the blood flowing and relax your feet. Have a friend or partner give you a foot massage. Have them use baby oil,moisturizing lotion and rub out your heals and arches with medium light strokes using their thumbs and fingers. They should gently squeeze,rotate,and pull each toe to relieve tension.
You should exercise your feet making sure to wear proper fitting walking or running shoes. You can place a golf ball on the floor and with your shoes off roll the golf ball with your feet while you are sitting in a chair. You can also try and pick up objects like marbles with your toes. Make sure to keep your toe nails trimmed to help prevent ingrown toenails. When you buy shoes make sure they fit properly. Shoes the fit good will reduce many foot problems. Your shoes should support the arches and remove shock when your foot hits the ground. If you notice that your feet are hurting then maybe its time to replace your shoes.