Is it Safe to Massage a Prostate?
The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system. According to the Ohio State University Medical Center, the prostate gland is a walnut-sized gland that produces semen and feeds and aids sperm during ejaculation.
The prostate gland is located at the base of the bladder, enveloping the urethra. It can be massaged through the anus, about an inch in and toward the penis.
Purposes of Massage
Prostate massage is done primarily for drainage, also known as milking the prostate. This can be done by a urologist to retrieve a semen sample for testing or to reduce swelling associated with chronic prostatitis.
Prostate massage should be performed by a trained medical doctor or by a partner who has been trained to safely perform prostate massage.
Take a warm shower to relax. Make sure whoever performs the massage uses a tight-fitting latex glove and water-based lubricant. The most important factors for the giver and the receiver are to relax and be patient. Tension for either person can make the massage unsuccessful, unpleasant and even dangerous.
While wearing a latex glove, gently apply lubricant to the anal opening. Allow the recipient to relax so the finger can easily enter the anus. Continue adding lubrication and gently hook the finger toward the navel. Feel for a solid mass and rub gently.
Is It Safe or Effective?
As long as the prostate massage is done gently, prostate massage is safe. The concern is that if prostate massage becomes vigorous, the prostate gland can be damaged, and the anal lining can tear, which can cause serious infections.
Regarding efficacy, a study published in the April 2006 issue of Urology showed no benefit of prostate massage for treatment of prostatitis. The only proven benefit of prostate massage is sexual gratification or semen retrieval for testing.