Will Peroxide Treat Toenail Fungus?
Home Remedies
Hydrogen peroxide may help get rid of your toenail fungus. Prepare a bowl of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, and dip your infected toes in the bowl. Do this several times per day. You may need to continue this routine for several weeks, until your infection clears up. After dipping your infected toes, either allow them to air-dry completely, or pat them dry with a clean towel. Any towel that you use on your infected toes will need to be washed before using it on any other part of your body.
You can also try other home remedies, if hydrogen peroxide does not seem to be sufficient. The Mayo Clinic suggests that vinegar can kill some bacteria. Mix warm water with vinegar (2/3 water, 1/3 vinegar) and soak your feet in it for about 15 to 20 minutes. Try doing this every day. However, if you notice irritation on your feet from this, switch to just a couple times per week. Remember to thoroughly rinse and dry your feet after soaking them.
If you have severe toenail fungus, consider talking to your doctor about medication options. If you are diabetic or have a history of cellulitis, you should see your doctor about your problem. Diabetics need to take good care of their feet, as they may experience nerve damage in the extremities. Your doctor may prescribe an oral medication to treat your toenail fungus. These options include itraconazole (Sporanox) and terbinafine, also known as Lamisil. Your doctor may also prescribe topical medications, such as ciclopirox, also known as Penloc. Toenail fungus can be an unsightly and sometimes painful condition. If home remedies such as hydrogen peroxide do not work, talk to your doctor about your options.