How to Treat Arm Lymphedema
Causes of arm lymphedema include surgery, cancer and cancer treatment, genetics and infection. While it is not possible to cure lymphedema there are a number of ways to treat the condition.
Wrap your entire arm in a bandage. The bandage should be tightest at the fingers and then gradually loosen as it moves up the arm. Customized bandaging helps the lymphatic fluid to move out of your arm and circulate back into the rest of your body. If you are unsure whether or not you are wrapping the bandage correctly, a lymphedema therapist can assist you.
Perform light exercise every day. Increased movement in the limb will help to circulate the lymphatic fluid out of the arm. The exercise should not be so strenuous that it causes you to tire or strain the muscle. According to Saskia Thiadens, R.N., member of the Professional Advisory Board of the non-profit organization,, the safest and most effective exercise for arm lymphedema is swimming. Flexibility exercises, arm stretches and weight-lifting with one to two pound dumbbells can also be effective.
Purchase a pair of compression garments. Compression garments are long-sleeved body shapers which prevent swelling and facilitate the proper circulation of lymphatic fluid. Compression garments should be worn whenever you exercise, since your arm can end up swelling more if it's not compressed. Some people may need to change their body shaper twice a day, as your elbow can stretch out the elastic in the garment. Garments should also be washed every day, not only to remove the dead skin cells and bacteria that has accumulated, but also because regular washing helps the garment to retain its elasticity.