Definition of Non-Symptomatic Vericose Veins
Telangiectasia Varicose Veins
While many varicose veins are painful and can lead to swelling and muscle cramps, non-symptomatic varicose veins are mostly a cosmetic problem. They may appear as a small network of red or purple lines visible beneath the skin.
Like other varicose veins, spider veins are caused by the failure of valves in veins. This failure allows some blood to leak backward through the valves, causing the vein to become swollen and visible.
Seeing a Doctor
While non-symptomatic varicose veins do not cause pain or pose any risk of complication, there is a possibility that they are a sign of a vein problem that could cause more serious varicose veins. Thus, it is a good idea to have a doctor take a look at your spider veins, just to be safe.
Because non-symptomatic varicose veins have little detriment, but may be unsightly, they are usually only treated for cosmetic reasons. Treatment can involve compression stockings that help reduce blood leakage, using chemicals to scar the vessel, or surgery.
While the process by which varicose veins form is not well understood, you can probably lower your risk of developing them by avoiding sitting or standing for long periods of time and getting regular exercise.