How to Locate Stem Cell Clinical Trials

Stem cells are "the building blocks of life that construct blood vessels, the nervous system, organs, and everything else that makes us human," according to the John Hopkins Medical Center (See Reference 1). The U.S. National Institutes of Health and other federal agencies and private industries such as pharmaceutical corporations sponsor a website to assist you in locating clinical trials both within the United States and abroad. (See Reference 2) Participation in stem cell clinical trials requires meeting the criteria outlined in each trial and signing an informed consent form.

Things You'll Need

  • Time
  • Informed consent
  • Desire to help mankind
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  1. Locate Stem Cell Clinical Trials

    • 1

      Visit, a service provided by the National Institutes of Health in collaboration with other federal agencies, pharmaceutical industries and other private industries. Enter "stem cell" in the search box and receive a list of all actively recruiting stem cell clinical trials.

    • 2

      Sort the list. A link on the website allows you to view actively recruiting stem cell trials, completed trials and non-active trials.

    • 3

      Select the stem cell clinical trial that interests you. Read the eligibility requirements to ensure that you meet criteria.

    • 4

      If you have reviewed the clinical trial purpose and still have additional questions, contact the responsible party to obtain more information. The contact and location information is listed at the bottom of every stem cell clinical trial page.

    • 5

      Understand the location of the stem cell trial. The database is multinational and trials can be anywhere in the world.

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