Quick Weight Loss & Jaundice
Self-diagnose your existing symptoms to determine whether cancer is a possibility where you are experiencing jaundice coupled with rapid and otherwise inexplicable weight loss. Note that when discussing weight loss, a fluctuation of a few pounds is likely not cause for alarm, but where you have lost a substantial amount of weight (around 10 pounds or more) in a short period of time while not actively trying to diet, you have to consider the possibility of carcinoma. Other symptoms which may or may not appear concurrently to further indicate the possibility of cancer include loss of appetite and a localized ache in the abdomen--not necessarily painful, but just persistent. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms in tandem with jaundice and weight loss, schedule an appointment with your primary health care provider as soon as possible to test for cancer.
Adopt a cancer-fighting diet to counteract weight loss coupled with jaundice. According to information from the National Cancer Institute, you should strive to consume a diet that is both high in protein and calories to counteract weight loss, aiming to obtain a majority of your food from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, dairy products, and sources of unsaturated fat. Aim to feed yourself small meals every few hours, regardless of whether you are actually hungry at the time. This slow accumulation of calories will make it easier to gain or maintain weight than attempting to eat three larger meals. Keep a journal listing the number of calories you eat per day, increasing the amount by 200 to 300 if you find that you are unable to maintain weight with your current caloric intake. Weigh yourself at least once every few days to track your progress, ensuring that you are not losing more weight to jaundice and its underlying causes.