How To Eliminate Bronchial Secretions
Things You'll Need
- Over-the-counter decongestant
- Over-the-counter expectorant
- Water
- Hot teas and broths
- Cool-mist humidifier
- Fresh ginger
- Honey
- Tissues
Take an over-the-counter decongestant such as Sudafed to minimize congestion, making it easier to breathe and clearing your nasal cavities. Follow dosing instructions according to package label.
Take an over-the-counter expectorant such as Mucinex or Robitussin to thin bronchial secretions, making it easier to expel them from your body. Follow dosing instructions on the package.
Drink large amounts of water throughout the day to keep the bronchial secretions wet and slippery, thereby making them easier to expel. Consume hot teas and broths, in addition to water, and avoid sugary drinks.
Place a cool-mist humidifier in your bedroom when you go to sleep to keep moisture in the air, which will hydrate your lungs. Refrain from sleeping in a dry environment, which will dry out your bronchial secretions and make it difficult to expel them.
Make a hot ginger drink to thin bronchial secretions by cleaning, peeling and slicing some fresh ginger and then boiling it in a cup of water for 20 minutes. Add 1 to 2 tbsps. of honey. Allow to cool slightly before drinking.
Clear your throat whenever you feel phlegm accumulating. Cough up bronchial secretions and expel them into a tissue. Repeat as often as necessary to rid your body of these secretions.