The Safest Way to Remove Moles
Moles typically are birthmarks, abnormal collections of blood vessels or, occasionally, can be the result of being in the sun too long. The safest way to remove moles is to visit a doctor or dermatologist. Doing so is important for two reasons: a doctor can determine whether it is appropriate to take the steps to remove the mole or whether it can be left alone; also, a doctor can determine what type of minor surgery will be needed to remove a mole.
There are several methods to removing a mole. The first is called excision with cauterization, in which a mole is removed using a small tool to burn it off. This is not a painful procedure and only requires several minutes in the doctor's office. The procedure will remove the mole and for a short time will leave a small hole where the mole used to be.
The second method of removal is excision. Excision is usually reserved for bigger moles that are either large in surface area or reach deep inside your skin. These moles are removed by cutting away at the mole, then sealing the incision with stitches.
The decision about which method is safer should be determined by your doctor or dermatologist. A mole should not be removed at home because of the risk of improper or incomplete removal. Remember, a mole does not just rest on the surface of your skin but also exists beneath the surface. Even if a mole is no longer visible on the skin, it may still be present beneath your skin. Seeing a doctor or dermatologist provides you with the safest and most effective means of ridding yourself of moles. The type of removal that is used may be up for debate with your doctor, so be sure to speak to him and be open about any fears, worries or concerns regarding the different medical procedures.