Kentucky AED Requirements
Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) 311.665-311.669 deal with the use of AEDs. An AED is a device that can analyze cardiac rhythm and charge and deliver shocks with or without an operator when certain rhythms occur.
Requirements to Acquire an AED
A person or entity must meet certain requirements to acquire an AED, including approved AED training for people who will operate the device. A physician must oversee this training and help develop a testing and maintenance program for the AED. The local emergency service must receive notice of the acquisition of an AED and the type acquired.
Requirements to Use an AED
An individual that uses an AED must immediately call for additional medical help for the patient. The AED program's physician must receive notice whenever the AED is used.
Civil Liability
KRS 311.668 states that no one who uses an AED to give emergency treatment in good faith is subject to a civil lawsuit because of the AED use. This exemption also applies to the owner of the AED.
Exempt Professionals
Some professionals are exempt from the AED requirements. KRS 311.669 lists these professionals, which include physicians, nurses, and paramedics.