Reason for Night Sweats
According to Mayo Clinic, many medications can cause night sweats, including antidepressants, antipyrectics (medications to lower body temperature), medications that lower your blood sugar level, and hormone therapy.
Infections are a reason for night sweats, including tuberculosis and bacterial infections, such as endocarditis (inflammation of the heart valves), osteomyelitis (inflammation in the bones), abscesses, and AIDS/HIV.
An early symptom of some cancers (most commonly lymphoma) is night sweats, although it's usually accompanied by other symptoms.
Neurological Conditions
Although uncommon, neurological conditions (such as stroke and autonomic nerve damage) may lead to night sweats.
Expert Insight
The Mayo Clinic recommends that you see a doctor about your night sweats if they happen regularly or interrupt your sleep or if you develop a fever or other symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss.