What Does a Scabies Infection Look Like?
Scabies is spread by coming into close contact with someone who is has contracted the mites that cause scabies. It may also be spread by sharing bed sheets, towels, and other personal items. Scabies can affect several family members at one time, and it may be spread before symptoms have appeared.
Scabies causes a series of rashes and skin sores. There may be small tracks where the mite has tunneled under the skin. There may also be small black dots and blisters in the rash.
Scabies may cause extreme itching, especially in children, who usually develop more severe rashes. Older adults may also experience intense itching. For first-time scabies infections, it may take several weeks before the rash and itching begin. If there has been a previous scabies infection, it may surface in just a few days.
The doctor will diagnose your scabies infection from examining your skin. He or she may also take a skin scraping and examine it under the microscope to look for mites. Scabies infections are very contagious, and the doctor may suspect scabies if someone else in the family has the condition.
If you have a scabies infection, it will not go away without a special cream or pills prescribed by your doctor. Be sure to follow all of your doctor's instructions to avoid side effects or drug interactions from the medication.