Types of Pendulum Swings Used for Physical Therapy
Standing Pendulum Swing
Stand and hold onto a stable chair or table with the unaffected arm. Bend forward at the waist while bending the knees to protect the back from injury. Relax the affected arm, let it hang while relaxing the shoulder blades as well. Use body motion to swing the arm in small circles. Stand tall and relaxed. Repeat the action, and change direction of circles.
Massage Table Swing
Lie down flat on a massage or exercise table. Hang the affected arm over the edge of the table. Allow the affected arm to hang straight down. Begin a pendulum motion with a two-foot swing to either side.
Medicine Ball Swing
Sitting on an exercise ball find the balance point where you are leaning neither forward nor backward. Allow the affected arm to hang straight down while tensing the abdominal muscles. Swing the arm in a pendulum manner, from about 2 feet forwards to about 2 feet backwards.
Weighted Pendulum Swing
This exercise is similar to the standing pendulum swing. The main difference is that you will hold weights in the hand of the affected arm. The affected arm will swing back and forth for no greater than 1 inch in each direction. This exercise is not suitable for individuals with shoulder separation/strain, upper back or neck strain.
Duration of Exercises
Initially, the arm swing should begin at a 15-degree angle and eventually increase to a 30- or 45-degree angle depending upon the rate of recovery. The duration of the swing should initially be 15 seconds and eventually progress to three minutes. After each set take a 30-second break, and repeat the exercise. Exercise sessions should be repeated three times per week.
The pendulum swing exercises are meant to rehabilitate the strength of the active and static stabilizers of the shoulder joint. Additionally, the restoration of the affected shoulder's range of motion will take place, which is crucial for athletic individuals. The goal of the pendulum swing exercises is to achieve and maintain full and painless range of motion or ROM. It also aimed to strengthen and improve the endurance of the affected arm. The pendulum swing exercise is indicated for individuals who are recovering from bicipital tendinitis. These pendulum swing exercises are designed and properly executed by licensed physical therapists after thorough evaluation with proper supervision of a medical doctor. Never attempt to self-medicate or to perform any of these exercises without first consulting a doctor.