Treatments for Vision Loss due to Glaucoma
Glaucoma can damage the optic nerve and lead to some vision loss. The optic nerve transmits necessary visual information to the brain. If this nerve is damaged it can result in a loss of vision and in some cases, total blindness.
Glaucoma may not produce symptoms until permanent eye damage has occurred. With acute-angle glaucoma, symptoms may include a sudden onset of blurry vision, nausea, vomiting, halos around lights and intense eye pain.
Eye drops may help to keep the pressure in the eye at normal levels, and reduce the risks of vision loss. Diagnostic tests are used to measure eye pressure levels periodically.
Surgical Treatment
Surgical treatment using lasers can help to restore vision loss from glaucoma. The success of these types of treatments depend on the severity of the illness. Medication can also help reduce the progressive damage due to glaucoma.
It is important to consult your doctor if you have any symptoms of glaucoma. If your doctor prescribes medication for your glaucoma, it is imperative to use the medicine exactly as prescribed. Non-compliance with medications are a leading cause of blindness and vision loss from glaucoma.