Alternative Uterine Fibroid Therapy
According to Alt Medicine Zone, the cornerstone of alternative (non-surgical) therapies is that nutrition of the right kind can and does reduce the amount of estrogen, which is one of the primary causes of fibroids. The liver, which helps digest food, also performs the role of breaking down estrogen in the body. If the liver is left to carry on its work unhindered by improper diet, it has a natural ability to bring down estrogen, and thus reduce the occurrence of fibroids. Avoiding fat, meat, alcohol and dairy products, that the liver must work hard to break down, can help the liver function optimally. Moreover, estrogen is stored in fat cells, which means ingestion of more fat is going to make breaking up estrogen difficult. On the other hand, fruits, vegetables and vitamin B sources such as lentil, molasses and rice bran, can be helpful at ensuring the liver functions properly. Iron intake, in the form of leafy vegetables, can also be a good way of adding strength to the body and helping it cope with many of its weaknesses.
Vitamin E and beta carotene are good for lowering estrogen levels. Some herbs and plant oils such as evening primrose, flaxseed oil, borage oil, black cohosh, red clover and wormwood are also effective in checking the growth of estrogen and thus reducing the development of uterine fibroids. Two to three teaspoons of the herbs and oils should be taken daily.
According to Fibroids, accupressure is another therapy recommended for uterine fibroids. This intricate science identifies pin-point like locations that affect the bodies energy and can help treatment pain and other conditions. Accupressure for uterine fibroids can include treating the pressure points for the spleen, liver and uterus itself.