Chiropractic Care for Neck Tremors
Tremors are involuntary movements of muscles. Although most tremors are not a sign of anything life threatening, they can be annoying and somewhat embarrassing. Typically tremors, or spasms, are known to affect certain parts of the body more often than others. These parts include the hands, feet, legs, torso, face and vocal cords. The neck also can be affected by spasms when there is some sort of injury or stress to the neck. Sometimes, tremors can signify a deeper and more serious disorder. Therefore, it is important to have them analyzed by a chiropractor for the correct diagnosis and treatment.
A chiropractor will often begin by trying to determine the cause of your neck tremors. Tremors can be caused by a multitude of things in all parts of the body. Typically, tremors are caused by neurological conditions that affect the brain stem and cerebellum. However, certain types of prescription drugs, alcohol withdrawal, a failing liver and poisoning from mercury can cause tremors to occur as well. Sometimes tremors can even be an inherited condition. One aspect of your treatment may involve eliminating causes of triggers of tremors, if the cause is identifiable and can be controlled through lifestyle changes.
Types of Chiropractic Therapy
There are many chiropractic care techniques that can help to ease the pain and annoyance of neck spasms. Types of therapy include trigger point therapy (adjusting the points on your back where you carry your stress or tension), manual joint stretching, resistance techniques (building up muscle and bone), and soft tissue therapy (treating the tissue affected). Other types of chiropractic care are ultrasound and infrared treatment. All of these treatments in some way treat the muscles of the neck to relieve pain and attempt to reduce spasms. Quite often, more than one specific technique is used.