How to Stop Eyebrow Sweat
Consult your doctor. It will be important to clarify the nature of your problem so that you receive appropriate treatment. If an underlying condition is producing the excessive sweating, it must be addressed to resolve your symptoms. Chronic infections, endocrine conditions, neurologic diseases and certain medications are among the potential problems. In addition, eating spicy foods can sometimes bring on eyebrow sweating, called gustatory hyperhidrosis.
Modify your diet and stress levels. If spicy foods produce this condition or make it worse, consider eliminating or at least decreasing their presence in your diet. Some people find that stressful situations produce excessive sweating, so finding ways to manage your stress or anxiety, such as biofeedback, hypnosis or other relaxation techniques will be helpful.
Consider using antiperspirants to stop excessive eyebrow sweating. You will want to consult your doctor for proper use, because applying antiperspirants to the more delicate tissues of the eye area may produce skin irritation. Antiperspirants work by plugging the sweat ducts, reducing the amount of sweat that reaches the skin surface. This is the least invasive treatment available, making it the first line of defense. Over-the-counter or prescription antiperspirants can be used.
Discuss the possibility of Botox injections with your doctor. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2004 for use in severe underarm sweating, Botox injections may provide relief for excessive eyebrow sweating, as well. The purified toxin is injected into the area in small doses, preventing the nervous system from activating the glands that produce sweat. Because there are risks associated with this procedure, including swelling or pain where the injection is given and symptoms similar to the flu, you will want to discuss this in detail with your doctor before pursuing this treatment option.
Ask your doctor about oral medications, if other methods do not work. Although anti-cholinergic drugs such as glycopyrrolate can decrease excessive sweating by preventing sweat gland activation, there are significant side effects associated with them, such as dizziness, dry mouth and urination problems.
Consult your doctor about endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy surgery, if you have tried all other options with no relief. This treatment is reserved for the most severe cases and may be effective in extreme cases of facial sweating. The procedure involves the destruction or cutting of nerves in the chest region that stimulate the sweat glands of the face and is done under general anesthesia, which is why this should be the very last line of defense against excessive sweating.