Colon Detox and Palpitations
Variations of heart palpitations
A normal heart rate is 60 to 100 beats per minute. A heartbeat that is faster than this rate is tachycardia. A heartbeat that is slower than usual is called bradycardia.
Causes of heart palpitations
This condition has various causes, including strenuous exercise, fever, stress or anxiety, caffeine, hormone changes and cough medications containing pseudoephedrine. Harmful toxins from food, air pollution and unhealthy lifestyle habits such as excessive alcohol and smoking also have negative effects on the heartbeat. This is why a colon cleansing is an excellent way of eliminating harmful waste products that can affect the heartbeat.
Benefits of colon cleansing
Thoroughly cleansing your colon is a good way to rid your body of the harmful toxins that deregulate the heartbeat. Colon cleansing is also useful for jump-starting an exercise regimen. Eliminating waste that has accumulated in your body helps you digest food properly and use all of the nutrients that make bodily functions, such as heartbeat, more efficient.
Techniques of colon cleansing
Hydrocolonic irrigation is performed by a medical doctor with FDA-approved equipment. This method involves a thin device to enter the rectum and place up to 20 gallons of water into the lower intestine and suction it out with waste that has accumulated and hardened over time.
Enemas, which usually cleanse the lower colon, are the most popular colon cleanser. This technique involves six to 16 ounces of water (depending on the age of the patient) being administered through the colon. Enemas can be safely performed at home as long as the user carefully follows the specified steps for administering an enema. You will find that common ingredients found in enemas include coffee and bicarbonate of soda. If you are unsure if this procedure is right for your medical condition, contact your physician, or you may visit a clinic that specializes in assistance with performing enemas.
Foods high in fiber aid in the digestion process; among these are whole-grain cereals, pears, berries, pistachios, artichokes and lentil beans. The USDA recommends that women consume more than 20 grams of fiber a day and men more than 30 grams. You should check the fiber content of foods to get an idea of their value. The time it takes for a high-fiber diet to clean your colon depends on factors such as weight and medical condition. However, if your daily diet is high in fiber, this helps speed the colon-cleansing process.