How to Test for DVT in the Leg

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a medical condition in which a blood clot (thickened blood clumps) forms in veins that run deep into your body muscles and connect with the vena cava, your body's largest vein, which carries oxygen-poor blood back directly to your heart. DVT can occur in many parts of your body, but the legs and thighs are the most common. If you have DVT in your leg, you may feel swelling, pain and a warm sensation in your leg. Red or discoloration of the leg skin area may also occur. To diagnose DVT, your physician needs to perform some testing.

Things You'll Need

  • Appointment with your health care provider
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      Make an appointment with your heath care provider. Discuss your symptoms and concerns with your doctor and inform her about your medical history. A higher risk group for DVT includes individuals who have undergone treatment for cancer; are older than 60 years of age; have a deep vein injury resulting from surgery or trauma; are obese, pregnant or on birth control pills; and are in bed for a long time.

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      Allow your doctor to perform a physical exam. The doctor will check your legs for signs of DVT---swelling, discoloration and tenderness. Your doctor may also check your blood pressure, heart and lungs.

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      Follow your doctor's instructions for DVT diagnostic testing. Your doctor typically will order an ultrasound if he suspects DVT. The test uses waves to create a picture of the structure of the veins in your leg and to measure the speed of the blood flow.

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      Give your doctor permission to perform a venography test on your leg if the ultrasound doesn't provide a clear diagnosis. In this test, your doctor injects a dye into your leg vein and takes x-rays of the anatomy of the vein. A slow blood flow indicates a clot in the vein.

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      Expect the possibility of giving a blood sample for a d-dimer test. Your doctor may order a d-dimer blood test that measures the amount of substance your body releases when a blood clot breaks. A high d-dimer indicates a possible blood clot.

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