What Can You Take to Stabilize Your Glucose Level?
Switch To A Low Glycemic Index, Low Fat Diet
The glycemic index is a way to measure how quickly sugars break down and are shifted to the bloodstream. Foods with a glycemic index of 100 break down very quickly and cause an increase in the amount of insulin released, to deal with the sugar overload. The lower the number of a food on the glycemic index, the slower it is digested and the slower the sugars from it are released into the bloodstream, allowing for more easy stabilization of the blood sugar.
The reason it's important to also have a low fat diet is that LDL's bond with excess glucose and then stick to the insides of arteries. This makes it easier for there to be a build-up of plaque which can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.
Add More Fiber
Adding more fiber to a diet helps to stabilize blood glucose levels because high fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains help a person to feel fuller faster, so they eat less. Also, high fiber foods are low on the glycemic index. This means that they are digested more slowly and as such, don't release sugar into the bloodstream quickly, as do simple carbohydrates such as white bread, or candy, or refined sugar.
Gymnema Sylvestre
Gymnema sylvestre is an herb that has been used for thousands of years. It can be found growing naturally in India and Africa. Gymnema sylvestre has been used for over 2000 years to treat stomach ailments and diabetes in India. It works by blocking the areas through which sugar is normally absorbed. Its molecular structure is close enough to sugar that the body thinks it is sugar and as such, it does not absorb sugar into the bloodstream. This lowers and helps to stabilize the blood sugar. Some who use the herb have also claimed that it kills their desire to eat sweets by changing the way sweets taste.