Procedures for Eye Puffiness
Typically people affected by this condition will notice it is worse first thing in the morning when you wake up. This is because fluid collects in the tissue under the eyes while you sleep and stays there due to lack of movement and gravity. When you get up out of bed in the morning the fluid moves, but gravity takes affect as you stand up out of the bed, thus creating the under-eye bag effect.
Home Remedies for Treatment and Prevention
Simple home remedies can be the best procedures for reducing eye puffiness. Slice a cucumber very thin and apply the cucumber slices to your eyes for 20 minutes to one hour daily. This can reduce puffiness dramatically. Potato slices can also be used for the same purpose, as can cold tea bags. Some prefer to create a custom eye press instead of using these household items. An eye press can be created by soaking a cloth in witch hazel or rose water or simply in salt and hot water.
Exercising the eye by moving it in all directions can also be helpful in reducing eye puffiness. Simply spend approximately 5 to 10 minutes looking around the room using only your eyes, without moving your head.
Products can also be purchased in drug stores to treat eye puffiness. Cold creams, moisturizers and eye creams generally work as well, depending on the brand's reputation. Concealers can cover up puffiness and under-eye circles. Some women even use Preparation H on the skin around their eyes to reduce puffiness and soothe the skin, but be careful not to get the cream in your eyes.
While for some, puffiness of the eyes is a chronic problem, most of the time it is just a temporary condition due to some element of the environment. Therefore, you will not have to worry about treatment for temporary puffiness of the eyes if you take some preventative action and keep this condition from occurring at all. The best way to treat puffy eyes is to avoid them by sleeping a full eight hours. If you have a condition, such as sleep apnea, you may need to sleep even longer than the full eight hours to get sufficient rest. If you are getting enough sleep and puffy eyes still persist, try sleeping in a sitting up position. In this position, gravity can help stop the accumulation of fluid under the eyes. Additionally, you can place a cold compress on your eyes before you go to sleep at night. Also reduce both your salt and alcohol intake. You should also make sure you are drinking enough water in the day to help the body get rid of toxins.