Natural Treatment for Hernia

A hernia occurs when part of an organ pushes through a tear or weak spot in the muscle wall that holds the internal organs of the abdomen in place. It often leads to extreme discomfort.
  1. Causes

    • Some people have predisposed weak spots in their abdomen due to genetics, scarring, or the incomplete development of muscle around the belly button.


    • In children, a non-painful bump may appear in the abdominal region. In adults, a protrusion in the abdomen is usually accompanied by intense pain.


    • In most cases, a hernia will heal on its own---if it is given ample time to recover without being strained.


    • The less strain you place on a hernia, the faster it is likely to recover. Considering this, most doctors claim the best medicine to be rest. If this doesn't work, surgery to repair the hernia will be necessary.


    • Trusses or surgical belts may be worn to help keep the protrusion in place while healing proceeds.

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