What Is a Scalpel Used For?

A scalpel is a small, but sharp knife most often used to make incisions during surgeries.
  1. Function

    • Surgical scalpels are used for surgery since they are very sharp and designed to make precise cuts.


    • Students in high school will likely use a scalpel for dissecting animals such as frogs and fetal pigs because of the instrument's precision.


    • People looking to make fine and precise cuts while making arts and crafts will also use a scalpel. Specific scalpels are made for crafts and graphic design.


    • People in ancient Egypt used scalpels made of obsidian when embalming the dead. Some scalpels are still made of obsidian today.

    Fun Fact

    • People who practice Ayurvedic medicine use sharp bamboo in the manner a scalpel is used.

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