Home Remedies for Blisters on Tongue
Home Remedies
Blisters on your tongue typically last for seven to 10 days, whether you treat them or not. Home remedies and other medications can relieve some of the pain caused by the blisters. Some remedies also promote faster healing. Regardless of what caused the blister on your tongue, home remedies can make the blister more tolerable while it heals.
Try a salt water or baking soda rinse. Add a 1/2 tsp. of table salt or sea salt to 1 cup of warm tap water, and mix thoroughly. Rinse your mouth with this solution several times daily. According to the Mayo Clinic, a salt water rinse soothes the mouth and reduces the inflammation and pain caused by tongue blisters. Salt also contains properties that can kill bacteria and prevent infection, Ayurvedic Cure reports. Alternatively, add 1 tsp. of baking soda to 1 cup of warm tap water to rinse your mouth. Swish the solutions around your tongue and mouth for a few minutes to receive the full benefits of the remedy.
Make a paste for the tongue blister. Mix 1/2 tsp. of turmeric powder with 1 tbsp. of pure honey. Apply the paste on your tongue with your finger. Allow the paste to penetrate your tongue for at least three minutes. For an alternative to honey, use a paste consisting of 1 tsp. of warm water and 1 tbsp. of turmeric powder. You can also create a paste made of baking soda and water: Mix 1 tsp. of warm water with 1 tbsp. of baking soda. Using a clean cotton swab, apply the mixture to your tongue blister for about two minutes. Avoid swallowing these mixtures.
Reduce pain and inflammation with the help of liquid remedies. Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and warm water, and apply it to your tongue blister for about 2 minutes using a clean cotton swab. Apply plain peppermint essential oil, garlic oil, vitamin E oil, antiseptic mouthwash or witch hazel directly to your tongue blister using a cotton swab. Repeat these remedies several times daily as needed.
To prevent further irritation or infection, avoid eating acidic and spicy foods. Also avoid eating extremely hot (as in temperature) foods. Eating ice pops, ice cream, and ice chips can make tongue blisters more tolerable, according to the Mayo Clinic. Drink more cold milk and beverages, and increase your water intake.
Medical Treatment
The National Institutes of Health recommend seeking medical attention if sores and blisters last longer than two weeks, if they are accompanied by other symptoms, or if you notice them after beginning new medications.For recurrent or severe tongue blisters, your doctor may recommend a topical oral anesthetic or an over-the-counter acetaminophen pain reliever. Tongue blisters and sores caused by herpes simplex virus may require antiviral medications. Talk to your doctor before using any remedy to treat your tongue blister if you have a compromised immune system due to HIV, herpes or cancer.