Homemade Lice Repellent Hair Spray
Herbal Oil Spray to Kill Head Lice
There are several over the counter products available for the treatment of head lice but these products contain harsh chemicals and have a terrible odor. To avoid these harsh chemicals, mix the following ingredients in a large spray bottle: one teaspoon of rosemary oil, one teaspoon of lavender oil, two teaspoons of tea tree oil (all of which can be purchased at a health food store or herb shop), one teaspoon of lemon extract and 1/4 cup of olive oil. Spray this mixture directly on dry hair, saturating the scalp, behind the ears and the back of the neck. Cover your hair with a plastic cap or plastic bag, seal cap with tape for one hour, then shampoo twice to get all of the oil out.
Take a very fine-tooth comb like a baby comb (you can buy combs specifically for combing out lice but a baby comb works the same and is less expensive). Gently comb your hair thoroughly starting at the roots, rinsing your comb frequently in hot water. When finished, shampoo and condition your hair as normal and make sure to sterilize the comb and wash your towels and other articles in hot soapy water to avoid further infestation.
Neem Oil Spray to Kill Head Lice
Combine 1/4 cup of neem oil, available at health food stores, and 1/2 cup of vegetable or olive oil. Mix in a large spray bottle and saturate scalp, behind ears and behind neck. Cover head with a cap and leT soak for one hour. Shampoo and comb your hair thoroughly with a fine-tooth comb to get rid of all lice and eggs. This mixture has a strong sulfuric odor so it will be necessary to shampoo your hair several time to get rid of the odor. Wash all items you use during this process in hot water to kill any lice or eggs that may be living, thus avoiding further infestation.
Apple Cider Vinegar Spray to Kill Head Lice
Mix 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and 3/4 cup of warm water and saturate your scalp thoroughly. Cover head with a shower cap or plastic bag and leave the mixture on your scalp for 1/2 hour. Also spray behind your ears and neck to get all of the infestation. Rinse and lather hair with teatree shampoo which can be purchased at a herb shop or natural store and leave the lather on hair for 1/2 hour before rinsing it out. Comb hair with a fine tooth comb to get rid of all lice and eggs then shampoo and condition as normal. Rinse your comb frequently in hot water to remove the lice you are combing out and wash your launder and any combs in very hot water to avoid further infestation.