Treatment of Anosmia
Bacterial Infections
According to the Mayo Clinic, bacterial infections may cause nasal congestion that can result in a loss of smell. Such infections may be treated with antibiotics, or they may clear up on their own with a fully restored sense of smell.
Anosmia can be caused by nasal congestion that accompanies the common cold. Decongestants can relieve nasal congestion, but colds usually clear up on their own, and the sense of smell is restored.
Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps can grow inside the nose and obstruct a person's ability to smell. Surgical removal of polyps will eliminate polyp-induced anosmia.
Bone Deformities
Certain deformities of the nasal bones or nose injuries can cause anosmia. Surgical reconstruction of the nose may help these cases of anosmia.
Permanent Anosmia
Non-treatable cases of anosmia are those that are permanent. Such cases can be due to a brain tumor or aging.