What Heals Sinus Infections?
Several home remedies can be as effective as a trip to the doctor for a prescription. The Mayo Clinic recommends self-care solutions that will alleviate most cases of sinusitis.
A home steam treatment adds moisture to the nasal cavities, allowing congestion to exit the body naturally. Stand over a bowl of hot water with a towel on your head and inhale the steam. Or, take a hot shower with the bathroom door closed to trap steam in the room.
Humidifier or Vaporizer
A humidifier or vaporizer adds moisture back into the air. Place the machine in the room where the most time is spent—typically the bedroom—to help keep the nasal cavities moist. This is especially effective in the drier winter months.
Saline Nasal Spray
A saline nasal spray is an economical and easy way to add moisture to the nasal passages. This maintains a healthy nasal environment. Follow the directions on the bottle; most suggest one squeeze in each nostril twice per day.
Nasal Irrigation
Also called nasal lavage or nasal rinse, nasal irrigation is an ancient form of cleansing the nasal passages with a saline solution. It's quickly gaining popularity because of its success in keeping sinus issues at bay. The flow of water through the sinuses carries away excess congestion and nasal offenders, such as pollen, mold spores, dander and dirt. Several methods are available, including inhaling a solution from cupped hands, squeezing a bulb syringe into the nasal cavities or using a neti pot to pour the solution into the nose.
Drink more fluids keeps the body hydrated from the inside out. In addition to a bevy of other health benefits, taking in fluids keeps nasal mucus thin so that it can drain more easily.